
How do China auto mould manufacturers overtake

Auto industry is a significant symbol of measuring the industrial level of a country. In the process of auto design, research, development and manufacturing, auto mould design play an important role, which is the main factor to can shorten the transformational time of auto industry and improve the quality of auto. Therefore, China auto mould manufacturers should develop auto mould to meet the needs of the r&d and production.

   China auto mould manufacturers have a late star, but the market of China auto mould is big. China auto mould manufacturers started to apply for a patent of auto mould since from 1990’s. However, the number of patents from China auto mould manufacturers rises obviously these years. Up to July 31st, 2014, China auto mould manufacturers have applied 1677 patents. This means that China auto mould manufacturers meet a good development opportunity. China auto mould manufacturers should fully grasp the foreign domestic enterprises patent layout, and correctly grasp the direction of technology research and development, and actively seek new breakthrough.

   In the next five years, China's auto parts mould industry will have a good development opportunity. One factor is that China auto industry will continue to maintain a rapid development trend: auto production in 2015 is expected to reach 30 million units. According the requirements of auto mould equipment, for quite some time the capacity of auto mould equipment, especially high-grade mold equipment production, has a large gap with developed countries. This is the main reason for the increasing import volume of auto part mould. Secondly, in recent years the  level of China auto mould manufacturers rapidly increases, and China auto mould manufacturers’s ability gets the attention and confirm from auto industry in European and American. Due to cost, the auto equipment manufacturing industry in developed countries shifts to Asia, and purchase a large number of auto mould and equipment from China. In this opportunity, if China auto mould manufacturers want to be in an impregnable position in the intense market competition, they should do the following things: On the one hand, China auto mould manufacturers should grasp the development diction of auto technology. On the other hand, China auto mould manufacturers can make research and development cooperation with each other to achieve win-win situation.

